safety glass - CHECK!
coverall - CHECK!
sunblock - kat airport baru beli
sliper jepun - CHECK!
kaki itek - CHECK!
snorkeling goggle - CHECK!
cash money - yillek nandrek!
bosan bosan bosan. perlu ke keje mcm tadek dunia dah? haih. keje betimbun timbun. ot tu mmg byk la. asek balik malam buto. gilo tadek life. andartu la macam ni. bosan la. procedures. specification. welding. apesal la dpt partner keje yg tak reti buat keje? dah tua bangka pon tak reti2 lagi? aku rase aku dah abes lampi dah. ade jugak org lagi lampi dari aku. perlu ke nk kerut kerut dahi bagai? pang kang naye! sbb workload yg melampau ni la menyebabkan aku da jadi diktator kt opis. kalo aku nak sound. aku sound direct. macam singa dah ni. haih. engineer lelaki pemalas! oi! aku pon nak balik awal jugak. ko bajet aku bujang telajak tadek bf ni seronok sangat la ot smpai malam? oi! aku pon nak ade life jugak! uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! sabar sabar. sabar itu separuh dari sabariah!
first thing first. i wud like to apologize if anyone wud end up getting hurt reading this post. my writing is going to be a bit spicy n sizzling. its up to an individuality on how u r going to interpret my message. get wat i mean? nahhhhhhhh.....................................
perempuan. subjektif. lembut di luar keras di dalam. keras di luar lembut di dalam. semakin meningkat usianya semakin matang lah pemikiran nya. tapi ape jadi kalau makin tua makin tak matang? hello! wakey wakey! mati ke kalau tak berboifren? mati ke kalau tak berlaki? ye mati kalau kau pegi bodo sangat bunuh diri. itu baru mati! dah kalau tak mati mati ko nak wat ape? ko senyum jelah. challo bette!
please! grow up n be matured. jangan nak desperado sebab jantan bole tak? geli tahu! sanggup kau buang kawan sebab jantan? laki tu pon belum tentu nak kat kau. takyah la bangang sgt nk menangis nak merayu nak tepekik nak telolong. huduh rupe tahu! huduh sepang! wheres your sense og dignity? at least tolong la ade pride sket. org laki ni kalo senang sgt dapat. senang la die let go. sbb die tau ko mesti melutut kat kaki die jugak. bagai melukut di tepi gantang. tak malu ke kalau org label kite as gedik? desperate? tak malu? tak malu? pui!
tolong la jadi mahal sikit. aku bukan swoh kau jual mahal. ni dah tahap lelong nak bagi free ni ape kes? nak ke mane mane pon nak kne ade abang sayang. blom tentu la die tu jadi abang kau. meluat la derr..kalau tadek abang sayang kan maen lagi kau punye banyak helah. tapi bile abang sayang ade, dari sakit bole jadi macam usop mak limah lari siap angkat wheelchair. bengot! disgust ok! puke puke!
seryes hipokrit gile perempuan macam ni. sometimes u've got to give yourself some self respect. be content of what you are. appreciate your friends. baru la org nak respect kat kau. How long are u going to beat your head against the wall, getting all excited, getting your hopes up ? everytime and then u need to impress him? you are like a bad joke. get stepped on, u come back for more. get shoved aside, u come back again. What the hell ? wake up! Walk tall, or baby don't walk at all.
it’s just not going to happen.
Its a bright sunny delicious day in Kuantan and I am craving for sushi!
There's nothing I'd rather do than call up my boyfriend or fox fleet and spend the day missioning sit at home all day watching series's, facebooking and wondering what on earth I am going to do with the rest of my life since I screwed it up so royally.
I take a deep breathe and realize its just the hunger and dehydration talking ( I should probably start eating again at some point). I open my metaphorical eyes and realize that all those backs I have seen leaving my life lately are all for a reason. Life moves in cycles (again this may be the hunger talking but go with me) .
I do recall getting furious with people last year and early this year because of what I considered ignorance and disregard for the world at large or in layman's terms "stupidity". It was the same time period except a different group of people (cycles; possibly due to my lack of censorship and tendency to run my mouth).
2 3 bulan ni aku asek sakit gigi. sebab gigi bongsu yang belakang gigi geraham tu da tumbuh. skang ni gigi bongsu tolak gusi bawah ke atas. so bile gusi tu da ke atas, ianya akan menyakitkan gusi bila gusi bawah bertemu gigi atas. *harap maaf ayat agak skema*
seryes sangat sangat sakit. sometimes sampai kene amek pain killer.
skang ni aku tgh mengumpulkan kekuatan bola jiwa untuk pegi bejumpe dentist. possibility adelah cut off that small piece of gum. GILAAAAAAAAAAAAAK!
kawen kawen kawen
kawan aku kawen
aku da nak muntah pegi org kawen. aku nak org laen pulak datang kawen aku. amacam? carer??
keberangkatan pegi ke majlis kawen. mesti la banyaaaaak pit stop nye. since my village is in terengganu, i cudnt care less on beaches. da biase sgt. tp disebabkan bawak org key ell yg jakun tgk kite layankan la....*selamat duet minyak aku korang yg tong kan. wakaka*
peace be upon you...
here are some snap pic for wedding number dos! MUBEN'S n MAS'
i still remember a lil chit chat between me n mas during Iju's sister wedding back in 2009
me: ko da ade bf?
mas: takde lagi
me: aku pon
tadaaaaaaaaa! skang da kawen! haha! i am happy for u guys. cudnt be happier. jage abang long kite tu leklok!
hye. i'm gay. i'm ok!
sbenanye waktu kecik kecik dulu saye nak jadi archaeologist. kaitan??? (-_-)"
hoho. malam ni nk cite pasal resolution! lets start!
1. a whole lot of positive energy. POSITIVE!!! dont listen to stories without knowing its root. do not over think. over assuming. n over doing. juz chillex!
2. less cursing. less swearing. ok susah! tapi tak try tak tau. pasni kalo nk mencarut je kne byk byk sabar. istighfar banyak banyak. ok susah! tapi tolong la sapot aku!! uwuuuu!
3. less shopping. more saving. hah! I CAN DO IT!!!!! da seminggu tak shopping. hebat hebat!!!
4. more good deeds. senang je ni! plus aku ni mmg hati baek. mulut je jahat tapinye. huhuhuhu