u've been tagged

tengs for giving me the award...kui kui kui

::Nyatakan 5 fakta menarik tentang pemberi award ini::

wan sheva...

  • die ni junior aku yg mmg aku kenal...junior laen haram aku tak kenal..u r popular babe!
  • aku penah repeat kelas ngn die kot...ahahahah...senior contoh tak baek
  • yg aku tau kalo jmpe die msti ade gosip..bole beat abg redza tau
  • die sorang yg up to date in fashion sense
  • n i think u rock!!!

::Setiap blogger mesti menyatakan 10 fakta/hobi diri sendiri sebelum memilih penerima award seterusnya::
  • knoe what!! this will be the last saturday i'll ever work..starting form july..no more saturday wake up morning...kui3...nak membuta sepuas ati
  • shopaholic teragung kot...suke set my own style..favourite shopping place is jln TAR (bole beli tudung n kaen2 kt gulatis), SOGO (everything is under one roof), PAVILLION, MID VALLEY. erk...byk lagi tempat laen yg bes..tp yg ni senang naek komuter
  • kalo shopping naek kete ngn bf plak, sy plg suke pg sunway (byk kebaya nyonya gojes-gojes), mutiara damansara (ade ikea...suke tgk2 barang2 then berangan nk beli brg pe utk kawen)
  • a shop-blogger...huhuhuhuhuhu...kekadang tu at one week bole smpai 4-5 parcel pos laju kt humah tu..mak aku pon tebuntang mate...kui3
  • sgt fall in love ngn FOREVER 21..hihihi...say goodbye to MANGO n ZARA....duhh~
  • fashion statement..i am what i am n that is something u cannot be
  • since da keje ni..da mcm org tua...balik keje leteh n tdo pon kul 10...kui3...gud girl~
  • pastu skang kuat mkn..agaknye sbb leteh keje..mkn nasi 3 kali sehari..wuuu....peha aku pon da betemu!!! demmit!!
  • i wud describe my self as a free spirit n independent woman
  • my bad attitude are mulut jahat, cakap lepas, hard headed, egoistic, overly self righteousness

::Anda perlu memilih 10 penerima award seterusnya dan describe tentang mereka::

  • zaharah ramley
  • ili bazilah rani dali
  • sha suke latte
  • afifi final solution
  • masmona
  • zahida
  • sape2 je la eh

Laki miang tu tak mampos2 lagi

ok...utk pekembangan arini..aku telah bejaya taip polisi company yg total nye exceed more than 100 pages..pastu aku bg kt bos..pastu aku twos membuat amukan drakulat di ofis...ikuti dialog di bawah

aku: bos..sume da siap..sume skali lebih dari 100 pages...so bile sy bole masuk plant? sy nak tau the exact date

badigol: lagi sebulan la..awk duk je kt sini

aku: (high blood pressure da time nih)...ape? lagi sebulan? sy da buat sume keje bos bagi..so sy mmg harap sgt dpt masuk plant..ingt kan leh masuk esok...sy duk kt sini pon duk taip2 je..sy nak blaja mende yg ade kaitan ngn course chemical engineering sy..

badigol: apsal awk nk cepat sgt pegi sane...sabar.....

aku: (wtf!! dlm ati)...sy da refer kwn2 sy..sume pon da masuk plant n da dapat job scope masing2..sy tanak duk kt sini lame2..so sy harap bos paham la

badigol: sy dlu amek agriculture dkt imperial college london..end up nye jadi manager hr..sy nk awk blaja selok belok hr

aku: (kepala ko!!) sy tau, tp sy nk blaja psl yg ade kene mengene ngn sy

badigol: ok nnt sy buatkan schedule awk..smpai bile awk ade kt sini?

aku: smpai bulan 9...bulan 10 sy da grad...

ok kawan2..aku da umumkan bahawa aku LI smpai bulan 9 jek...aku da kontek dr mimi n die ckp orait jek..tp kne dpt kn surat universiti...si badigol ni bg aku masuk plant 1 JULAI!! rabu nex wik....aku nk wait n c jek...kalo die tak bg gak aku pg plant smpai nex wik...aku nk cari tmpt LI laen yg bagi aku blaja ape yg patot...

nak dijadikan citer..sbb aku da meletop dgn bos sbb nk gak pegi plant...die ajak aku teman die pg tgk meja kt plant...ape kejadah? aku tanak pegi...last2 die pakse aku..die ckp "saya tak pegang awk punye...awk takut sy pegang tgn awk ke?" bodoh...ayat die tu memang menyakitkan tinge aku...

pastu pas lunch die swoh aku buat polisi company ngn lagu romantik tony braxton-unbreak my heart...aku ckp r aku taktau buat..kne pakai movie maker..pastu die ckp "nmpk sgt awk ni taktau pape even amek engineering"...HANGIN!!!...aku reply se das " course sy CHEMICAL ENGINEERING.bukannye SOFTWARE ENGINEERING OR MULTIMEDIA...kite kn ade department IT..knape tak swoh diorang je buat?"...twos die diam...ye harini mmg ari aku mengamuk kt ofis...pastu die bole wat lawak.."kalo sy dgr lagu ni mlm2 kt tepi pantai ngn awek sy, memang abes sume baju ilang".....THATS IT!! memang melampau...aku pon laser twos cakap..."ASTAGHFIRULLAHAL AZIM....BAWAK2 MENGUCAP LA "

then petang tadi aku ikut die pg bukit gambang waterpark...aku taknak pegi!! tapi die pakse aku...seb bek ade staf laen...smpai sane pegi tgk bilik hotel..utk hq yg nk dtg tdo time family day..bilik die luas...cantek...aku pon ckp "waahhh..bes nye bilik ni"....si badigol tue kutuk nk mampos tu pon ckp "msti lg bes kalo awk ngn sy je tdo kt bilik ni"............................

sial la jantan ni...aku da btau kt family aku psl ni...aku kol ayah yg tgh outstation nangis2..aku nk tunggu je smpai nexwik..kalo die tak bg gak aku masuk plant...aku akan hanta surat resign LI n tuka company laen...pastu arini aku dpt tau kak faridah yg da kawen anak satu tu da kne pegang tgn. ngn en badrul.ayah pon da ckp...if let say die ade pegang aku, aku akan directly kol uncle jasmani ketua polis kuantan n lodge police report...wey badrul affandy bahkia..kalo ko berani sentuh aku...mmg ko masuk lokap! ko memang da silap org la...ko tak kenal sape bapak aku n ape power die bole buat kt ko...PEGILA MAMPOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

itu saja...aku masih tertekan yg amat sgt..sekian

laki miang..pegi la MAM!!

hello...bertemu lagi kite di ruangan terbaru edisi june 22hb...bla bla bla

aku nak cite nih! aku da nak masuk dua minggu LI kt mission biotechnologies tuh...cilakak! ku sangka kan indah..rupanya tahik kucing lagi indah...aku tensyen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

bos aku tu gatal miang nak mampos...celaka punye org tua..pegila mampos..sebelom mati baek ko tobat nasuha..knape ade gak dlm dunia laki yg gatal miang tua kutuk tak sedar diri?? aku memang tak paham..anak bini da ade tp still ade pempuan simpanan...siot gile!!

mule2 aku mcm respect r kt die..sbb die lulusan Imperial College London...tp tadek r mabeles sgt pon...buat keje tegopoh gapah kelam kabut..suke tengking2 org..pastu suke kacau2 perempuan...al kisah aku masuk keje skali ngn receptionist baru..akak receptionist tua setaon je..rafidah...die da kawen n ade sorang anak...tp body mantop lagi...bile bos aku dapat tau die rupe2nye da kawen die siap ckp direct kt muke faridah tu die nyesal amek faridah sbb die ingt kn bujang..so leh usha..so yg jadi mangse skang aku r...sket2 panggil aku SAYANG...babi btol!!

aku memang tak layan...smpai die bengang ngn aku die siap cakap "awak ni pekak ke tak dengar saya panggil?"...well hello...my name is MAHFUZAH..not sayang...skang ni aku still duk kt bahagian HR tu duk taip2 polisi company..haram jadah..da jadi type writer r pulak!! ade engineer tu da swoh aku masuk plant ikut die...die nk ajar...tp si bos hr siot nih bole tak bagi aku pg plant lagi...buntot!!!!!! memang aku fuak gile r mamat nih...brape lame lagi die nk simpan aku kt HR tu? wey! aku engineer r...bukan PA ko!!

nak dijadikan citer..arini die swoh aku tolong die wat keje2 opis..aku wat je r tanpa byk bantahan...aku diam je r time buat keje...die swoh aku senyum sengih r..bajet aku babun ke nk buat keje duk menyengih...pastu sbb aku stolid gak...die cakap "saya rasa awak ni kalo jadi engineer memang smpai bile2 la jadi engineer...takkan naik pangkat...sebab awak tak pandai layan laki"....WHAT THE FUCK?!!!!!wey jantan kutuk tak sedar diri..ko bajet aku nak pegi kt ko belendir ke baru bole dpt keje? kalo org mcm ko ni mati memang aku puas ati...ilang sekor parasit bumi nih...dasar jantan tadek iman...die siap bole ckp die pelik knape aku pkai tudung..pastu family day nnt die swoh aku takyah pakai tudung...aku balas ngn ayat aku"ayah saye tok aji..die guide anak2 die..nnt en badrul da buat haji msti en badrul pon guide family en"...twos die diam...aku taktau r cmne ko guide family ko...aku simpati btol ngn ko...kembali la ke jalan yg benar..memang aku tgk ko ni out of track dah...tobat la weyh! aku ni tadek r bagos sgt..tp aku rase die lg terok 44x gande dari aku nih...

ini lah luahan hati ku...yg tensyen ngn bos!

maxi dress...again....WTF?!

skang da pukul 1.34pagi..wasaaaiii...sok pagi i have to wake up early..got a big day...huh..my cousin is getting married..in dungun terengganu..so tomoro all my family dtg from n9...* ye saye org nogori..tak ngaku org tganu...dish2!*...have to kemas2 d house n masak2...ehem2..bukan i yg masak ye..mama i yg do all d cooking..i juz tolong baling2 je..uhhuuu...

waaa..besnye dpt gathering sume skali..first EVER cousin i kawen..da langkah bendul since my kakak pon tak kawen2 lagi..uhuhu..enuff bout dat..skang ni i tgh pk2 nk pakai ape? pakai baju kebangsaan malaysia? kurung? kebaya? aaaaa!! tensi!

well then to match the theme which are red n green..tehee..i'd juz bought 2 maxi dresses..RED N GREEN!! haiyo...ni sign2 nak swoh i pakai maxi dress tu la kan? tapi i'm kinda worried if dadhima (it means nenek in hindi) marah..since tak menepati piawaian malay customs..bla bla bla...huhu...layankan je la..once in a while kite nak gak wearing out of d box..*ade ke ayat ni? bukan ke thinking out of d box?*..ahhaa..takpe2..kite tgk keputusannye esok.. if i ever have the guts to wear something extraordinary..hell sure i'm gonna wear those maxi dresses...ye ye saye pendek org nye..tp sy pakai sbb nk bg nmpk efek tinggi..ummm...ekceli sy suke tgk paris hilton pakai maxi n OMG! I WANNA WEAR THOSE!...jeles..let alone paris hilton, nicole richie yg cute goddess abes tu pon pakai maxi..huhu..so, ade aku kesah? heheeee...i nak gak sekali sekala jadi gypsy pwincess...*pwincess ye bukan princess*..uhhuu..k la.. i na tito...nite2..tata...kroh!!

p.s: tipu2!..i MASIH tgk pic paris hilton n nicole richie..adore them! kisses! ok2..i'm signing off now..for real..na tdo..daaa...REAL KROHHH!!

amek2..pic ni je yg sempat upload...

sunkissed and happy

hello!! my life is quite ok lately..huhu..my personal life is OK after the big fight..haiyooo...always fight fight..but still going to reconcile...y r? dis afiq is like a magnet..i dunno what charms did he put on me..macam gam cap gajah meh~ well...dis week his family aka my future family in law had come n visited afiq..they stayed @ cherating..me n mama singgah at their challet n sent them some otak2..huhu..amek ati mak mentua..my mom n his mom chatted all the way..ok la for a first time..seb bek mama is veeeeerrry friendly..i guess sape2 yg used to come to my house know my mom and her warmth..afiq's mom addressed me as her the one n only menantu perempuan..i was like perempuan melayu terakhir gitu~..sape tgk msti geli geleman..i was very shy...haha...sape gelak aku lempang laju2!! then she said to afiq "pujah tu tinggi je pas pakai kasut tumit tinggi" teheeeee=) jgn jeles!!

that was yesterday...

today!!! the whole family came (mak abah ajan nurul n ika n of coz mr lob) n pay a visit at my house..its not merisik or bertunang or watsoever..introduction dlu beb...kui3...jgn rawkuss...pelan2 kayuh...we had a little dinner..i bought a choc moist cake from izad's mother..tengs to yun for the directory...gile susah aku nak cari umah izad...but afiq's family also brought along a secret recipe cake...2 2 cake sedap!! i gave man-i'm-going-to-gain-more-weight look...huhu..my mom also bought sate...we made some mee basah yg tak brape basah..its quite spicy but all in all...everything were sedap..my mom n his mom chatted..my father n his father chatted...bla bla bla...his father told me..."pak cik mule2 tekejut dgr afiq ade kawan perempuan (dat's me!!)"...n again..i was blushed...malu2 kucing...miaow~

huhu...wat a week huh? i guess i've taken a BIG STEP...HUUUUGE STEP!! in my life..no more playing around..coz i've found the right one...i guess..once we've found the right person..and at the right moment..there u go away the title of Miss Mahfuzah n welcome to title Puan Mahfuzah..kui3..isk isk..tak bes nye bunyi..mcm name org tua..kui3..tq to Allah swt..for giving me all his blessed..my relationship is almost 2 years...lame kan?

tengs awak..for always giving me ur love n support..for being a mature n responsible person yet able to treat my childishness..for being the most understanding person...for being the most toughest man in my life ( coz u can bare all my perangai, kepala angin n senget-ness )...i love u coz u r one special man...of who u r...harta kekayaan bukan ukuran wak...susah senang kite bersame...i promise u dat..isk isk...i am so blessed and grateful coz Allah give me the chance to get to know a person like u...tak sia2 sy sekodeng awak dari first year..huhu...I LOB U MUHAMMAD AFIQ BIN ABDUL SHUKOR!!! JOM KITA KAWEN!!!!

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa............u see!!! i da gile meroyan....deng!

l-r: ajan, me, bakal abah ku, nurul, mr lob, bakal omak ku, ika n bakal opah ku

this is not stupid..its hilariously idiot!

This is a true story from the JApanese Embassy in US!! wallahualam

A few days ago, Prime Minister Mori was given some Basic English conversation training before he visits Washington and meets President Barrack Obama..

The instructor told PM Mori, 'When you shake hand with President Obama, please say "How are you?". Then Mr. Obama should say "I am fine and you?" Now, you should say "Me too". Afterwards, we the translator will do the work for you."

It looks quite simple but the truth is....

When Mori meet Obama, he mistakenly said "Who are you?" (Instead of "How are you?"

Mr. Obama was shocked but still managed to react with humor:
"Well, I'm Michelles's Husband...ha ha.."

Then Mori replied "Me too...ha ha..."

Then there was a long silence in the meeting room.

kerakusan yg amat sangat

aku sgt rakussss...aaaa...rakus membeli belah..wuuu...last week aku da merembat clinchers n maxi dress...yep..MAXI DRESS..seswai ke? dah la pendek.. haha..ade aku kesah..aku da bekenan..nak beli gak! nak pakai gak! tak kire! tak kire!

huhu..aku pon taktau la..org pakai skinny jeans..aku nak pakai gak..org pakai clinchers aku pon nak..skang tgh gian nak pakai maxi dress...nak pakai boyfie..tudung skang asek pakai syria ngn shawl jek..huhu..sgt gile..mama pon taktau nak komen ape..mr lob sengih smpai ke tinge je..gf awk ni melawa utk awk gak kan..kui3

setakat ni aku da beli 2 maxi dress..boyfie baru beli selai kt forever 21..abes lesap duet aku..boyfie yg laen aku pakai adik aku punye baju office jek..pastu clicnhers da ade 3..cume tak pakai2 lagi..sbb tak kua umah..dating pon tak..ke mane la eh aku nak pakai cmtu?kui3..boyfie aku da pakai..tgh tunggu semangat nak pakai maxi dress je..mak ngah pon mak ngah la..da name pon diva senget..kui3..

my wardrobe..perhatikan yg tempat letak baju kt bawah tu da senget masuk ke dalam..sbb berat sgt ngn baju..hikhik..baju aku disusun ikut color ye..i loike!