saye menang! saya jutawan power root!

item 3


item 4


item 5

memang berbaloi baloi! last wik time jalan jalan nampak promotion SONY TRADE IN DEALS. Lasted until 30.9.2010. So pagi tadi terpk time tgh drive pg keje. Ape kate kite grab peluang ini untuk trade in barang barang buruk? hoho.

Item 1: vcam beli time form 5 (trade in)
  • description: beli sempena hadiah spm. harga? boleh beli Canon EOS 7D dambaan hati!
  • kelebihan: time form 5 tadek org pakai vcam. so konon konon bajet bagus lah kan. buduh!
  • kelemahan: tak tahu gune. gune tak sampai 20 kali. handling die konon konon unik padahal letih nak pegang. taktahu cara cara nk transfer video masuk computer. thats why terpaksa hantar kedai untuk burn dalam cd. SANGAT COSTLY!

Item 2: Canon IXUS 400 (trade in)
  • description: ayah punye on work purposes which turns out to be the camera for photogediks macam aku.
  • kelebihan: NTAH !
  • kelemahan: sebab kan camera ni lah aku tak pakai pakai vcam. vcam tros di anak tirikan. pastu selang beberapa bulan kemudian muncul lah persaingan yg maha dasyat dari camera camera yg bermegapixel lebih tinggi dan wide screen! DAYUM! tergugat sey!

Item 3: Sony alpha A550L (welcome to mummy!)
  • description: mendapat idea untuk meng-anak-tirikan camera yg serba ada ni sbb camera tu cam dah lame gile je gune. dari zaman universiti lagi. kite bagi camera tu pencen. dah penat dah die asek tangkap gambo je keje. baik nye tuan awak kan?
  • kelebihan: mendapat rebat sebanyak rm400 sebab trade in dgn vcam yg lame. hauhauhau! oh disertakan juga dgn memory stick 8GB. bagi aku, 8GB tu kire besar abes dah kecik lagi?
  • kelemahan: tak paham sehabuk camne nak gune mende alah ni!

Item 4: Sony S-Frame (welcome to mummy!)

  • description: frame elektronik yang boleh tuka tuka gamba secara digital. MAGIS KAN?
  • kelebihan: mendapat rebat sebanyak rm100 sebab trade in dgn camera lame. hauhauhau!
  • kelemahan: boleh store up sampai 250 keping gambar jek. bunyi cam merendah diri ke meninggi diri? hmmmm.... (-_-)"

Item 5: Samsung corby S3653W (welcome to mummy!)

  • description: oh plis plis nak kaler pink! nak buang henset buruk tadek cover bateri nih!
  • kelebihan: FREE OF CHARGE! menang hasil dari gores dan menang! wahahahaha!
  • kelemahan: kire syukur la dapat free. lagi mau komen kaaa? pang kangg!

untungkan? dahla rebat sehingga rm500. pulak tu menang henset free. tuah ayam nampak di kaki. tuah manusia siapa yg tahu? huahuahua. sangat gumbira. sebab sume pon ayah punye duet! wahahaha! berkesan juga idea gila di pagi hari lantas menelefon ayah dan merengek rengek satu hari..berbaloi baloi! ngeh ngeh ngeh! *padahal menggunakan taktik ugutan untuk keluar dari rumah untuk hidup berdikari. ptuih!*

p.s: bukan salah ibu mengandung. cuma naseb badan la dapat anak demanding gilon macam ni!

something to get off my chest

I have everything a modern woman is supposed to dream of having - a car, a home, a yet-to-be-successful career, tonnes of awesome friends and A FAMILY - yet like so many others, I found myself lost, confused, and searching for what I really wanted in life. Life isn't perfect though. I have bills and debts to pay. A not-so-luminous-anymore skin condition. And a quest for self-discovery.

I've been single and dateless for almost a year. Not that it doesnt bugging me. It does. Like all the time! People say how perfectionist I am. Hear me now. Nope! I dont need someone perfect. All I ever need is someone doing nothing and yet keeps me falling. Who make his move first. Who can endure all the pain to be with me. WHO HAS MORE BALLS THAN I DO. Sound perfectionist? Naah! I hope that one day, If ever, I will meet him and know that he is the one. I just know.

I really wanted to discover the inner peace and balance of true love in the heart. Therefore, I'm stepping out of my comfort zone, risking everything to change my life, embarking on a journey to find my own self. For a start, I am restructuring my financial plan. I'd set my brain not to buy the unimportant thing. Its hard! I know. Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.

I am trying my luck to be a tuition teacher. Its for the orphanage. Doing it for free. Its still in an early talk. But I hope I can give the world a better place for them. It started out from following my mother to her charity event. N it strucked upon my head, who really cares for them? Their needs? Their education? Their life? It bits me in the heart, stings me in the eye. I've gotta do something. Give something.

Travelling round the world has always been my dream. If there is a job named fully paid salary traveller. I'd go for it! Unluckily, it's only in my dream. Money is everything. Better save up some money! Since this year I've been to genting. Then nextyear i'll be going for Sabah. Im diving yaww! My wishlist will come true. Really hope that I could make it for the plan. Its a all-girls-no-men-allowed vacation. Play hard! Pray hard! I've been longing to go to some place where the grass is always greener. Where else? Paddy field laaaa! Please someone take me there!

To all, I sincerely wanted to express my love ; my friends, my family! I LOVE YOU!

Eat. Pray. Love

lotsa love. xoxo


wats inside?

hai kawan kawan..topik pembelajaran kite pada kali ini is about handbag..baru je kene tag dgn shapohols..pandai nye minah ni bagi idea kat aku..kalo idak..bekerak dah blog ni..orang kate..u can learn the true color of a woman from wats inside her sile la belajar-belajar ye..

ini le handbag yg aku selalu hurung ke hulu ke hilir..handbag guess besar nak mampos..handbag paling mahal aku penah arrival with no discount..knape aku gile sanggup beli? sebab ayah yg present kan..ghahahaha! gedik gile keluar shopping ngn ayah..sebab memang dah tahu kalau kuar ngn ayah MESTI DAPAT APA YANG KITA NAK..he will never says no..tapi time tu time tak keje lagi lah..skang ni nak mintak pon reti malu sendri dah..nak beli gune duet sendri pon usah harap lah kan! uhuk uhuk! handbag ni ada macam macam name..if im not mistaken this type is hobo..correct me if im wrong..aku bukan tau sgt pasal pesen pesen ni..maen taram jek..

so lets see wats inside my handbag...CEKIDAUD !!!

1. map genting n photo yg beli kt genting: will update more on genting on next post!

2. purse: walopon purse tu besar..tapi isi di dalam nye adalah kecil! aku pernah pergi kerje with only rm2 left inside..time tu minyak kete plak dah lip lap lip terpaksa tumpang org laen balik umah! ahaha

3. beg mekap: tema bulu bulu..nope! im not animal killer! ni sintetik sahaja..dalam ni ade pelbagai jenis alat solek..untuk bagi cantik bak katrina kaif

4 dan 5. compact powder: will elaborate more below

6. camera: a must for photogedik cam aku ni. camera ni 2 tahun punye dulu..gamba pon da kureng quality..knape eh? ade tarikh luput ke? ke nak mintak kene tiri ngn camera slr? hmm?

7. pay check: HEHEHE=) angka-angka yg tetulis di dalam hanya mengingatkan aku pada tanggungjawab nak membayar hutang segala..aiyaaaak!

8. kerongsang: yg ni memang ade stok banyak..tapi sebab kecik asek hilang tah ke mane..seb bek murah..beli rm10 dapat 9..UNTUNG!

9. penutup cover henset: jeng jeng jeng! akhirnya berjaya jumpa!! ahahaha! selama ni henset aku memang lompong je tadek cover..time kaseh la sha! seb bek ko tag post ni..kalo tak mesti aku tak jumpe jumpe cover henpon aku! ahha!!

10. pencuci muke yang ke 14 kali further comment..pffft!

11. gelang india: beli rm15 jek kt booth india..found it awesome n nice..xoxo!

12. inner tudung: aku pon musykil camne bole ade inner tudung dalam beg..haih!

ok yang ni pulak bahagian mekap mekap. Girls best friend! hikhik

1. lipstick bodyshop

2. lipstick bloop

3. lipgloss revlon: been wearing this for 5 years! pengguna setia okeh!

4. lipstcik revlon colorstay

5. lipstick chanel: my da nak abes..nak beli semula tak mampu..rm 80! aaaargh!

6. maybelline cover stick: biasenye aku pakai time nk heavy mekap..utk tutup spots n jadikan as foundation.

7. bodyshop make up set: dalam tu ade blusher n eyeshadow..2 in 1 ! beli time sale! superb!

8 & 9. eyeshadow revlon: ade 2 tones: pink purple and nude brownish

10. maybelline super extended mascara: dah kering dah pon..sbb jarang jarang pakai

11. silky girl eye liner: A MUST! kalo tak pakai rase cam mate ni dah super sepet..hukhuk!

12. M.A.C eyebrow liner: paham paham je lah..kening aku ni kontot separuh...haihhhh

13. compact powder revlon colorstay: baru beli..seryes bes pakai!

14. compact powder christian dior: yg ni punye da nak abes..pasni da takkan beli dah sbb tak mampu..mahal sangat!

15. blusher revlon: yg ni pon bes gak..color sgt pastel..soft jek

hasil solekan dari mekap mekap di atas...a very minimal touch up for hari raya..i lke it soft, natural n warm so it can blend with the i am trying to minimizing all of those powder chemicals on my face since my skin condition is not at its best.

plis jangan tanye tips mekap ngn aku..u wont get the answer from lady engineer here. sebab kadang kadang aku mekap sampai muke da jadi cam kueh raya pon ade..hukhuk!

pssst: seb bek tadek tag wats inside your car..kalo tak sile la jumpe segala jenis safety helmet dan paper kerje dan drawing drawing dan majalah pengantin! ohohoh!

The Afghanistan and Iraq wars summed up in 4 quotes

Reason for invading Afghanistan:

“The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden. It is our number one priority and we will not rest until we find him.” — George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Sept. 13, 2001

And then..

“I don’t know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don’t care. It’s not that important. It’s not our priority.” — George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., March 13, 2002

So just 6 months after 9/11, the world’s most dangerous man is not important anymore. He does not just become unimportant.

70,000+ deaths.

Reason for invading Iraq:

“We found the weapons of mass destruction. We found biological laboratories … And we’ll find more weapons as time goes on. But for those who say we haven’t found the banned manufacturing devices or banned weapons, they’re wrong, we found them.” — George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., May 30, 2003

And then..

“Those weapons of mass destruction have got to be somewhere!” — George W. Bush, joking about his administration’s failure to find WMDs in Iraq as he narrated a comic slideshow during the Radio & TV Correspondents’ Association dinner, Washington, D.C., March 24, 2004

So that was one big fat lie then.

130,000+ deaths.

Two pointless wars based on absolute lies and over 200,000 people dead as a result.

Day 5

Day 5 : Six things that you wish you had never done.

1. tidak membawa basikal dgn ganasnye waktu kecil..kalo tak tadek la parut kat kepala lutut

2. tidak ingkar untuk mencabut gigi sewaktu kecil kecil..kalo tak tadek la gigi berterabur macam skang ni

3. tidak mudah jatuh cinta monyet beruk babun dan sebagainya..kalo tak tadek la kene sumpahan cinta

4. tidak menjadi seorang yg terlampau ego, kuat merajuk, kuat memerintah dan sebagainya..kalo tak tadek la jadi seorang lady boss macam skang ni

5. tidak menjadi seorang yg terlampau kuat enjoy..kalo tak tadekla idop asek nak ronggeng jek

6. tidak menjadi seorang yg tadek ketenangan diri..kalo tak tadekla rase idop ni asek incomplete jek..




Day 4

Day 4 : Seven things that cross your mind a lot.

1. knape duet asek tak cukop?

2. bile anak sedare i nak kua?

3. knape bonus sikit jek? duet raya pon kne cut off..lari bajet

4. dah tak sabar nk pakai baju raya..haha

5. knape esok kne keje lagi? aaaaaaaaaaa!!!

6. tak sabar nak balik raya bakar lemang, masak dodol, buat rendang, masak ketupat! eventhough i do not consume all those high colestrol food. ahahah

7. raya kali ni cam tak bes jek sebab tak de boipren. TAKPE! next year saya akan pastikan saya akan mempunyai FUTURE HUSBAND utk raya tahun depan! wahahaha!


Day 3

Day 3 : Eight ways to win your heart.

1. Y

2. O

3. U

4. R

5. S

6. E

7. L

8. F

Just be yourself.
I will like u, fancy u, love u for who u r.
No need to describe all sorts and wats not.

Day 2

Day 2 : Nine things about yourself.

uno. baru je bagi duet raya kepada adik adik sepupu semalam. perasaan memberi duet raya sama seperti perasaan sudah bersedia untuk berkahwin. ho ho ho.

dos. mempunyai bilangan jerawat yang tidak termampu dibilang dek jari. mungkin hormon perempuan baru datang. waktu zaman remaja tadek plak jerawat tu nak datang. dah tua tua ni baru nak timbul. selain itu, aku juga baru mengerti ape itu kesakitan period cramp. sakit ya ampun! so betul lah kata mama, hormon perempuan ku baru nak aktif. cit!

tres. merasakan bahawa diri ini sudah dewasa. sudah hampir setahun bergelar pekerja. sudah hampir setahun membayar duet kereta sendiri. sudah hampir setahun memberi duet bulanan kepada ibu bapa. sudah hampir setahun belajar bertanggungjawab terhadap diri sendiri.

cuatro. jika anda bermain kutu dalam jumlah duet yang besar dan bilangan peserta kutu yang banyak, jangan jadi peserta yang pertama. singkirkan jauh jauh perangai anda yang gila nak shopping megasale raya di butik zara mng dan segala bagai. SINGKIRKAN! JIKA TIDAK ANDA AKAN MENYESAL! haru biru aku nak membayor duet kutu time turn org laen! uwaaaa!

cinco. mempunyai masalah split personality. pada satu masa boleh menjadi seorang mak tiri yang super garang super fierce! tapi pada satu masa pula boleh menjadi seorang yang kuat merengek dan kuat merajuk. i dont even get it with myself!

seis. seorang yang super ego. mempunyai masalah mahu menang dalam segala gala hal. kalau bergaduh pula sangat sukar utk mengaku silap dan meminta maaf.

tujuh. *dah taktau spanish dah* skang ni aku tak pose. hahahaha!

lapan. aku dah tadek idea nak tulis ape.

sembilan. oh sebelum mengakhiri coretan. saya ingin mengucapkan SELAMAT HARI RAYA MAAF ZAHIR DAN BATIN !!!

Day 1

Day 1 : Ten things you want to say to ten different people.

1. lady gaga..u r a freak..i hate ALL OF YOUR VC..half naked women+sex manipulation=rubbish VC!! plus u r ugly..but your talent isnt!

2. muben: watched he's just not that into you..n i guess this time you r right! totally! semua wanita dan lelaki dipersilakan menonton cerita's about relationship..yg konon konon hati batu tu sile lah jugak tgk..sesuai utk para hati bunga dan hati me! u will think of your very own relationship status once u watched the's like a love guru for me!

3. nenek n atok: nexwik pas keje ijah balik! first time nak bagi duet raya kat adik adik sepupu..nenek n atok pon dapat jugak tau! hek hek!

4. din beramboi! balik la cepat!!!

5. ria, zaireen n nad..bile nak shopping zleqha n girlish talk? shahirawati tamao join ke?

6. rashdan n hanif: kak ijah bagi duet raya nnt jgn byk complain..terima dgn redha jek! huh! byk cekadak kang aku pang sekor sekor

7. akira toriyama! tenkyu for your dragon ball comics...i lob u lah! ur comics inspires me in so many way!

8. badrul afrizal: sori sebab aku selalu lupe bawak henset pegi keje..haha!

9. along! ijah nak duet raya! i dont care! i want 10 ringget from you! plus i have been window shopping for baju baby n stroller for my anak sedare..mommy cant wait to see u!!

10. i am sorry for being such a sulker. selamat hari raya maaf zahir batin. u know who u r.

esok pulak day 2...tungguuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!


Sebab aku dah mendapat penyakit kegeringan idea untuk goes some idea from my fren..shapohols..minah ni banyak jek idea die..whereas for me..NADA! sha! tq for your help..baru ingt nk kuburka je blog nih...

Day 1 : Ten things you want to say to ten different people.
Day 2 : Nine things about yourself.
Day 3 : Eight ways to win your heart.
Day 4 : Seven things that cross your mind a lot.
Day 5 : Six things that you wish you had never done.
Day 6 : Five people who mean a lot to you.
Day 7 : Four turn offs.
Day 8 : Three turn ons.
Day 9 : Two smileys that describes your life right now.
Day 10 : One confession.